Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Note on the Epicurean Monetary System

        Centuries ago, when almost all of the continent of Epicurea was ruled by the Wholly Romaine Empire, the monetary system was established. Through the intervening years nations have risen and fallen but all have subscribed to the ancient method of accounting and payment. The simplicity and effectiveness of the system, combined with its universal acceptance, has made it one of the most enduring features of Epicurean life. It functions as follows:

1 Calorie = the base coin, a small copper about the size of a man's thumbnail
10 x Calories =1 Taste a copper coin the size of a circle made by one's thumb and forefinger
10 x Tastes = 1 Spoon, a silver coin, again the size of a man's thumbnail
10 x Spoons = 1 Repast, a silver coin the size of a circle made by one's thumb and forefinger
10 x Repasts = 1 Serving, a silver coin the size of a woman's palm
10 x Servings =  1 Meal, a gold coin the size of a circle made of one's thumb and forefinger
10 x Meals = 1 Bounty, a gold coin the size of a woman's palm

        Prices are expressed in the largest denomination involved;  an fine apple would be " two cals", a good chair  "one Repast and four" (meaning one Repast and four spoons). Coins are normally minted with the crowning of a new Monarch to mark the first year of their reign. Despite the urge to dilute the value by debasing this has never occurred (yet) as no monarch wants it preserved for all history as being the first to begin such a foul practice.

       An idea as to daily wages;
                     A common laborer can expect between four Taste and one Spoon
                     A skilled laborer looks forward to one Spoon  and six up to three Spoon
                     A common soldier would get from two Spoon to three Spoon
                     A craftsman seeks three Spoon and two up to five Spoon
                     A cavalryman would not turn down four Spoon but would prefer seven Spoon and five
                     A master craftsman seeks between two and six Repasts

       An idea as to costs;
                     A fine apple might cost two Calories
                     A full meal would be around one Taste
                     A simple shirt would run between one Taste and three Tastes and four
                     A good pair of boots would be reasonably priced at four Tastes
                     A good plow-horse might fetch nine Servings
                     A truly fine sword can run to two Meals and four
                     A fruitful farm would expect to go for three to six Bounty

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