Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Meet the Ruler; Peter II "The Famished" of King of Ferndalia

His Most Esteemed Royal Majesty Peter II

      The Whey dynasty has ruled Ferndalia off and on (mostly on) since time immemorial. It is only since shedding their pagan ways that they began to enumerate their kings, whom they name in strict alphabetical order. Peter has ruled for the past fifteen years succeeding his very long-lived grandfather Nathan II. Widely respected, if little loved, Peter holds sway over the largest kingdom in Epicurea running the realm with the attention to detail normally found only in the finest of chefs. His cold demeanor and excessive devotion to his cause have not engendered any love from his citizens but they do appreciate the order that he has brought to the realm following the chaos of Nathan's too-lengthy rule.

       In recent years he has been much troubled by the unruly northern provinces who insist on blocking his progressive agenda. Suppressing the rebellions have cost him dearly in time and treasure but the regular campaigning has taught his soldiers many useful lessons. The Ferndalian army is hardened and is the largest of the royal armies on the continent. It is an instrument to be respected. Peter has a long cherished dream nearing completion the Great Northern canal which will join the rivers of his land between Cheddar and Gouda and allow his northern fleet to join the one in the Middle Sea (and vice-versa, of course) and greatly facilitate trade.

      Always one to adopt the newest fashion, be it in clothing, religion or food, Peter has strained the finances of his land to constantly adapt and advance his causes. He was an early sympathizer of the Small Plate movement although he takes pains not to injure the pride or placement of those with a more orthodox appetite.

        Faced with a sprawling kingdom Peter has spent the past ten years (and vast sums of money) constructing a network of roads to connect the major cities of the land. In doing so he has contracted significant debts to the bankers in Gluttonia, loans that he (and his groaning taxpayers) would prefer not to pay. The timely demise of Ferdinand II of Flambiose, paired with the presence of Hanz (who was hiding from his fathers demanding meal schedule) have emboldened Peter to declare Hanz the Only True Heir and to begin to mobilize his army to ensure that Hanz's coronation goes forward without any problems.

      In return he expects that his debts shall be forgiven and a few Imperial cities shall change ownership; specifically the cities of Hollandaise, Veloute, Bechamel, Bourguignonne and Nantua (along with their rich and fertile surroundings) as these were the spiritual home of the Small Platers and he has declared himself their protector. Peter is confident of his cause as his is the only army that has any significant combat experience in the past few years, having put down a lengthy insurgency in the northeast as well as campaigning against the Eastern Horse Tribes.

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