Friday, March 13, 2020

For the Consideration of His Most Royal Majestie....

To our Most Esteemed and Honorable Royal Majestie

From his Utterly Humble and Loyal Servant Sir Juan Cassiavertes

      An Observation on Increasing the Discomfiture of the Benighted Small Platers in our Capital

             Throughout the Winter, in abject obedience to your Royal Personages' Order, we have kept the Small Platers under close observation. It has been seen that the Small Platers have been foraging in the narrow stretch of land that runs between the rivers west of the capital. It has occurred to us (as surely it would have occurred to your Most Wise and Noble person if you had not been burdened with a thousand other items of vast importance) that the closure of this avenue of resupply would be most advantageous going into the next campaign year.
       The loss of forage would cripple their Horse and starve their transport animals as well as hurt the rations of the surrounded troops. While it is beyond the strength of our forces to close the entire width of the peninsula the construction of sconces or small earthen forts at the bridges over certain irrigation ditches would greatly hamper the enemy . With the bridges closed the enemy would no longer be able to transport supplies by wagon, greatly hampering his collection of fodder and supplies.
       It would be a most singular honor if Your Majestie would find the time to consider this suggestion.

                       Your Unwavering and Most Loyal Soldier,

                                                Sir Juan Cassiavertes       

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