Friday, October 18, 2019

Ferndalia Thwarted!

it all looked so peaceful as the sun went down,
the Ferndalian army camped below the walls of Mozzerella
north is at the top of the picture in this view

     As the Gluttonian Succession Crisis blended with the civil strife caused by the Small Platers vs Proper Meal Unrest, Peter the Famished put forward Hanz Flamboise as his candidate for the Gluttonian throne. this quickly ruffled feathers among the Boozonian Parliament not to mention the Gluttonian advocates of either Franz or Clauz. Undeterred Peter sent Franz to the border city of Mozzerella along with a portion of the Ferndalian army. By doing this he had hoped to act as a magnet for the Gluttonian supporters of Hanz and to place his man on the throne without undue conflict. Of course this was not meant to be.....

Ferndalian Commander,

You have been given the task of placing Franz of Flamboise on the throne of Gluttonia. Hanz is currently accompanying you and your forces. You have encamped outside of Mozzerella as you assemble your army. You are keeping your troops in encampments to harden them for campaigning and because there has been an outbreak of glanders in the city and you can ill afford to have your horse coming down with that.

Rumors have been filtering in that the Boozonians have allowed Clauz IV to recruit a force with the intent of stopping you. Spies have also heard that Gluttonian troops are on the way to your location so you can look forward to reinforcements arriving soon. The King has given you his Horse Guards to protect Hanz; your mission in to place him on the throne of Gluttonia so be sure that the young hot-head doesn't get himself killed in combat.

You have been provided with the Lif Gard til Hest (Elite Modern Horse, Veteran, Determined) four units of Uitlanders (Modern Squadron, mercenary), two units of Draftee Foot (Modern Squadron, Raw), four units of Modern Horse (Determined Veterans), and four units of Mounted Arquebusiers (Veterans, pistols). As long as you are encamped here you also have the support of two Heavy Artillery (fortified, mortar) batteries mounted on the city walls.

You and Franz are spending the night in the city enjoying the benefits of civilized life.



Boozonian Commander

You have been given command of a force of Boozonian troops but are subject to “plausible deniability”, the political leaders want you to succeed but will not back you up if you fail. Your mission is to prevent the Ferndalian Army from crossing into Gluttonian territory and placing Hanz of the House of Flamboise on the throne.

You have been coordinating with the Gluttonian Proper Meal faction and have arranged to surprise the Ferndalian forces in their encampment outside of Mozzeralla. As this involves military operations inside Ferndalia you are acting as a “rouge agent” and can expect no official support from either Boozonia or Gluttonia.

You have at your disposal two Musketeers Corps, six Highland Warbands and four units of Mossers, all good troops if used wisely. Assisting you is a substantial force of Gluttonian P.M. Troops with several Tercios and substantial mounted troops. Your plan is to fall upon the encamped troops and draw them away from the city walls, after you have done this the Gluttonian troops will make themselves known by falling on the enemy's flank.

Good Luck, and don't get the Musketeer Corps wiped out!

the Boozonian Army 
Gluttonian Commander,

After a significant amount of intrigue and underhanded dealing you have secured the assistance of certain Boozonian troops to help you stop the advance of the Ferndalian forces trying to place Hanz on the throne of Gluttonia. A double agent has provided information that the Ferndalian army will be encamped outside of Mozzerella. Careful coordination has enabled you to arrange to have the Boozonians begin a surprise attack on the Ferndalian encampment so the you can fall upon their flank and rout them. Deterring the invasion is your primary mission, if you can kill or capture Hanz that would be a laudable goal.

You have at you command two Viejo Tercios, four units of Fearless Heavy Veteran Cuirassiers and four more units of Veteran Mounted Arquebusiers with pistol. You must be careful of casualties as this represents half of the total forces of the Proper Meal faction, be particularly mindful of the Tercios as they are irreplaceable.



The Battle
the situation before the beginning of play
hidden from view the Boozonian troops advance to engage the Ferndalian pickets
meanwhile the Gluttonians wait to the west for the prime moment to strike

Ferndalian pickets deployed to the south of the encampment, 
mostly ensuring that the draftees don't desert from the Ferndalian army

the first turn of movement occurred unseen beyond the hills and woods

then suddenly the howling hordes of the north poured forth 
against the thin line of Mounted Arquebusiers

it took several turns to mobilize the Ferndalian army, during this time the picket line did stalwart service in slowing the advance of the Boozonians, to the great dismay of the Ferndalians it was not Small Plater allies that showed up from the west but a horde of Proper Meal Gluttonians, 
things were going to be difficult! on the left of the Ferndalian line the Horse were dealing effectively with the Boozonian Musketeers and Highlanders but were being drawn further and further away from the safety of the city walls

the Ferndalian line was forming south from the city walls and then east from the village when the dreaded Gluttonian Phalanxes of Doom arrived, two of the veteran Tercio Viejo, things had just gone from difficult to frightful, further south the Gluttonian cavalry joined with the seemingly fearless Highlanders to drive back the the Ferndalian Horse

on the far left of the Ferndalian line the Musketeer Corps of the Boozonians had been driven off but that left the flank over extended, two units of Draftees rushed to fill the gap and firm up the line so the cavalry could rally back, on the extreme right Hanz wildly led a charge against three times as many Gluttonian Horse driving them back, further south the line of Mercenmary infantry confronted the Tercios and more Horse, the guns on the walls fired at the Tercios without any effect

then all Hell broke loose, the giant merciless killing machine that is a Veteran Tercio slammed into a unit of Mercenary foot, ignoring the torrent of musketry that was poured into them during the approach (they literally saved every single hit that they received)

and proceeded to administer a thrashing upon the Ferndalian troops, 
causing five hit only one of which was saved

the mercenary foot had more than they had bargained for and left the field

meanwhile the artillery were finally getting some hits against the nearest Tercio

in the next move the second Tercio advanced to the charge,
 the fire of the mercenary foot failed to even score a hit, this looked very bad!

but it seemed that the wily Veterans were so busy ducking shot that they 
were in no position to inflict much damage, the mercenaries only took one hit!

this was the big chance for the Ferndalians to stop the Gluttonian assault, 
but having only three dice to hit back with they inflicted only two hits, 
the Tercio saved both of them with one to spare 
the mercenaries were driven back

to the south the speed of the Highlanders caught several Ferndalian units off-guard,
first some Horse got nabbed facing the wrong way and were sent packing with all due dispatch

another band of Highlanders caught a mercenary unit facing the wrong way as well

fortunately for the mercenaries they were on a Ready order and could turn to face, 
unfortunately the wild Boozonians fought valiantly and inflicted three hits,
this pushed the Mercenaries over the limit and they retired from the field

on the other side of the village the Horse charged some Highlanders
punishing them pretty hard

the Highlanders hit back effectively as well

both units were beaten up by the end of the exchange

in the next turn more Highlanders charged the same unit they didn't do as well as their friends had but they did generate one unsaved hit which put the Horse over their Stamina

before they left the Horse hit back inflicting two on the Boozonians

faced with a Discipline test the dice outperformed for once!

battered and nervous, but still on the battlefield!

the flood-tide of highlanders continued,
a nervous Ferndalian Draftee unit fired at the onrushing mountain men with little effect

the other Draftee unit added it's fire as well 
but the stalwart Highlanders shook off the fire as if it was rain

the Highlanders then charged but failed to make any impression 
on the green but undoubtedly brave Draftees

joined by their officer the Frendalians struck back fiercely 
pushing the Highlanders past their Stamina and causing them to retire

just as the Draftees were catching their breath a new unit of Highlanders charged into the conflict inflicting three hits, the Draftees saved two of them but now they were dangerously close to exceeding their Stamina rating

in reply the Draftees hit twice but the Highlanders made three saves, 
the Draftees retired having lost the melee

the Mounted Arquebusiers took a shot at the Highlanders without effect

these wily mountain men seemed bulletproof!

meanwhile, to the west things were going from bad to worse, apparently overcome with excitement the Cuirassiers charged the front of one of the last remaining mercenary units (normally charging the front of a pike unit with cavalry is suicidal) they managed four hits against the Foot unit, only one of which was saved

the Foot inflicted a couple of hits on the Horse but they had reached their Stamina and
 (being mercenaries) decided to head for calmer waters

and off they marched, this fatally compromised any Ferndalian hope
 of rescuing the situation and a sweeping withdrawal was ordered

an overview of things at that moment

a lone brigade of Ferndalian Horse had flanked the Boozonians 
but they were far out of place and the Mossers were rallying swiftly

the infantry line had lost half its strength and was falling back in disarray
the Gluttonian Tercios marched on, seemingly unstoppable 

the right flank of the Ferndalian army consisted of one lonely unit of cavalry and a unit of mercenaries that were already looking over their shoulders at their  fellows abandoning the field
one more turn of play would decide thing quite clearly

the Tercio swept in to the attack, the mercenaries stood their ground and poured a volley into the massive block of enemy troops, to absolutely no effect!

the ensuing melee was brutally lop-sided, the Tercio inflicted seven hits,
 only one of which was saved

in return the mercenaries gave two, both of which were saved

with seven hits and a Stamina of three the mercenaries fled in disarray 
the only bright spot for the Ferndalians was that artillery had finally gotten the range and pounded the already damaged tan Tercio with three unsaved hits, forcing them to withdraw

flight was now the only remaining option for the Ferndalians, the cavalry shepherded the Draftees into the city and then rode off to the west bearing the harsh news to King Peter

the situation in the far south, three units of Mossers and two of Highlanders
 stare down two units of Ferndalian Horse

further north the Draftees are hurrying toward the safety of the city walls

without any artillery of their own the allied forces could not stand at length
 in front of the city walls and so broke contact with the fleeing Ferndalian troops

heroes for the Ferndalian forces, the Mounted Arquebusiers, they were in the thick 
of the fray from the beginning to the end and acquitted themselves handsomely

the scoundrels of the battle; the mercenaries, they lived down to the lowest of expectations
 and all fled the field of battle without attempting to rally

punching well above their weight all day were the Boozonian Mossers,
they too were in the midst of battle all day and held their own

and on the Gluttonian side there was the unit-crushing monster of the Tercio,
none dared stand before them

     Despite playing short-handed we were able to get battle done in a reasonable period of time. These rules play fast and clean and present a constant stream of decisions for the players both in terms of timing and tactics. I look forward to enjoying many more battles as the campaign continues.

1 comment:

  1. may want to proof read a little, you use hanz and franz interchangeably. may be on purpose, but i'm pretty sure ferndalians supoort Hanz, right?


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